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Steam Traction Engines

Steam Rollers

Steam Ploughing Engines



Fairground Architecture
Historic Fairground Scenes

Memories of St. Giles Fair

The William Tyler Bioscope Show

fair20.jpg (137184 Byte) Fairground Architecture - David Braithwaite
The three basic elements of the fair are the Joy Ride, including all the different types of Carousel, Merry-go-round, Whirligig and Scenic Railway ...
stebuchfair1.jpg (97056 Byte) Historic Fairground Scenes - Michael E. Ware
The fairground is a brash, bright and noisy environment, the rides and sideshows are gaily painted in a style of their own, everything about the fair is stepped in tradition, and this book tries to depict just 80 years of its history ...
fair11.jpg (57887 Byte) Memories of St. Giles Fair - Viv Kirk
bla bla
fair10.jpg (45184 Byte) The William Tyler Bioscope Show - G. W. Essex
bla bla

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