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Steam Traction Engines

Steam Rollers

Steam Ploughing Engines


Road Engines

Kaleidoscope of Steam Wagons
Road Locomotives
Steam At Work
Steam on the road (1)
Steam on the road (2)

Steam on the road (3)

Steam on the road (4)
Steam road vehicles
The Big Box
The Overtype Steam Road Wagon
The Undertype Steam Road Waggon

road32.jpg (129534 Byte) Kaleidoscope of Steam Wagons - R. A. Whitehead
For too long wagons have been the Ciderellas of the steam publishing scene, but now, thanks to the lifelong experience and knowledge of R. A. Whitehead ...
road21.jpg (129078 Byte) Road Locomotives - Eric Sawford
Over the years road locomotives have performed many herculean feats, hauling extremely heavy, bulky and difficult loads over long distances ...
stebuchroad1.jpg (71319 Byte) Steam At Work - Anthony Beaumont
In this historical and high quality photograph selection, Anthony Beaumont reviews the various members of the traction engine family in some detail ...
road23.jpg (117804 Byte) Steam on the road - Anthony Beaumont
There is a firmly established interest in the steam vehicle as epitomised by the traction engine ...
road20.jpg (113100 Byte) Steam on the road - John Reeves
There was a time when steam road vehicles were so much part of the scene in Britain that few people took a great deal of notice at their passing along the way, whether in town or in the countryside ...
road22.jpg (166339 Byte) Steam on the road - David Burgess Wise
Steam made man independent of natural forces and animals - for decades it was his main source of power to move machinery ...
road31.jpg (131888 Byte) Steam on the road - David Burgess Wise
Steam made man independent of natural forces and animals - for decades it was his main source of power to move machinery, and now that it has virtually disappeared from everyday transport use it has proved to have a lasting fascination ...
road24.jpg (54028 Byte) Steam road vehicles - J. M. Meyrick-Jones
The frequent enquiries that have come from readers of Motor Traction asking for a book on steam waggons and tractors, and the absence of such a book on the market, has led to the writing of the following chapters ...
stebuchroad2.jpg (101912 Byte) The Big Box - T. McTaggart
The Big Box is the story of England's robust age of steam haulage told through the annals of the family firms of Edward Box and Norman E. Box ...
road30.jpg (107449 Byte) The Overtype Steam Road Wagon - Maurice A. Kelly
Over the pat decade there has emerged a new science devoted to the study of industrial processes and products which are now obsolete or extinct ...
road33.jpg (90789 Byte) The Undertype Steam Road Waggon - Maurice A. Kelly
This book has been designed as a companion work to the same author's first publication entitled The Overtype Steam Road Wagon ...

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