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Steam Traction Engines

Steam Rollers

Steam Ploughing Engines


Traction Engines

Album of Historical Steam Traction Engines ad Threshing Equipment
An Illustrated History of Traction Engines
Dampfmaschinen, Veteranen der Technik
Discovering Traction Engines

Farm Tractors in Colour
Heavy Haulage
Kaleidoscope of Traction Engines
Preserved Steam Traction
Rally Traction Engines
Steam Traction Engines, Wagons and Rollers
Steam Tractors
The Traction Engine Companion
Traction Engines (1)
Traction Engines (2)

Traction Engines In Focus
Traction Engines in review
Traction Engines past and present
Traction Engines Pictures

trac23.jpg (188050 Byte) Album of Historical Steam Traction Engines ad Threshing Equipment - Floyd Clymers
In presenting Volume I of Floyd Clymer's Album of Historical Steam Traction Engines I have attempted to portray a good cross-section of the various types and kinds of equipment  ...
stebuchtraction2.jpg (87434 Byte) An Illustrated History of Traction Engines - Peter Wilkes
The Traction Engine was the success story of the Age of Steam , a period that bridged the gap between the horse and the internal combustion engine. In this book Peter Wilkes writes with tremendous knowledge and enthusiasm of the Traction Engine and its history ...
trac31.jpg (188089 Byte) Dampfmaschinen, Veteranen der Technik - Anthony Burton
Anthony Burton beschreibt im vorliegenden Buch den spannenden und oftmals verschlungenen Weg, auf dem die Dampfkraft abseits von Schiene und Schifffahrt seit Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts eingesetzt wurde ...
trac26.jpg (64227 Byte) Discovering Traction Engines - Harold Bonnett
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trac10.jpg (50598 Byte) Farm Tractors in Colour - Michael Williams
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trac15.jpg (47863 Byte) Heavy Haulage - Ran Hawthorne
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trac30.jpg (145018 Byte) Kaleidoscope of Traction Engines - R. A. Whitehead
The traction engine has been deprived of its working dignity for too long. It has been made to resemble some sort of latterday music hall turn at 'steam-ins' and rallies ...
trac22.jpg (86551 Byte) Preserved Steam Traction - Eric Sawford
Celebrating a quarter-century of steam traction preservation in Great Britain, Eric Sawford has assembled over 200 clear, high definition photographs with detailed captions and explanatory background text ...
trac13.jpg (74860 Byte) Rally Traction Engines - Anthony Beaumont
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trac25.jpg (66832 Byte) Steam Traction Engines, Wagons and Rollers - Brian Johnson
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trac20.jpg (103214 Byte) Steam Tractors - Eric Sawford
In this, the fourth 'Vintage Steam Album', we come to those popular Steam Tractors; ideal rally engines, as is demontrated when one comes up for sale in a reasonable condition ...
stebuchtraction3.jpg (72286 Byte) The Traction Engine Companion - Peter Haining
In recent years enthusiasm for and appreciation of traction engines has rapidly increased - enthusiasm for the many beautiful restored 'iron giants' seen at today's rallies, and appreciation of the considerable craft and skill that went into their production and of the men who daily used them ...
trac11.jpg (85035 Byte) Traction Engines - ???
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trac12.jpg (49051 Byte) Traction Engines - ???
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stebuchtraction1.jpg (85922 Byte) Traction Engines In Focus - John Crawley
Traction Engines in Focus is an album of over 200 photographs, all taken in the days when engines had an important role to play in everyday life.
New engines and old, some clean, some dirty; engines on loads, in the fields, at the fair, all are included to be studied in detail ...
trac24.jpg (114168 Byte) Traction Engines in review - Barry J. Finch
Similar in format to A Rally of Traction Engines and again superbly illustrated with photographs take by Barry Finch during the past twenty years ...
trac21.jpg (108796 Byte) Traction Engines past and present - Anthony Beaumont
Traction engines and allied steam vehicles have existed for some 130 years. The end of their long working reign on the roads ...
trac14.jpg (58219 Byte) Traction Engines Pictures - Anthony Beaumont
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