road engines prev.gif (707 Byte)     @mike's page > hobbies > steam > bücher > rollers     next.gif (723 Byte) showmans engines

Steam Traction Engines

Steam Rollers

Steam Ploughing Engines



Steam Rollers
Steam Rollers In Focus

roll20.jpg (107086 Byte) Steam Rollers - Eric Sawford
Steam Rollers in Focus is an album of over 260 photographs taken in the days when we dependend on the steam roller for the making of new roads and the repair of those we already possessed ...
stebuchroller1.jpg (84397 Byte) Steam Rollers In Focus - John Crawley
Steam Rollers in Focus is an album of over 260 photographs taken in the days when we dependend on the steam roller for the making of new roads and the repair of those we already possessed ...

road engines prev.gif (707 Byte)     @mike's page > hobbies > steam > bücher > rollers     next.gif (723 Byte) showmans engines