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Steam Traction Engines

Steam Rollers

Steam Ploughing Engines


Showmans Engines

Showman's Road Locomotives (1) 
Showman's Road Locomotives (2)

stebuchsho1.jpg (77164 Byte) Showman's Road Locomotives - National Traction Engine Club
The fairground is a brash, bright and noisy environment, the rides and sideshows are gaily painted in a style of their own, everything about the fair is stepped in tradition, and this book tries to depict just 80 years of its history ...
show20.jpg (131603 Byte) Showman's Road Locomotives - Eric Sawford
The fairground is a brash, bright and noisy environment, the rides and sideshows are gaily painted in a style of their own, everything about the fair is stepped in tradition, and this book tries to depict just 80 years of its history ...

rollers prev.gif (707 Byte)     @mike's page > hobbies > steam > bücher > showmans engines     next.gif (723 Byte) traction engines